The Biocentric Centre “Terre Nourricière” is a living space. It has been conceived entirely with noble and ecological materials and following the rules of Feng Shui , in order to amplify the energy of the materials, the cosmic vibrations from the four cardinal points and the energy of love of the people who visit us in order to continue their personnel growing process..
A History....
The Biocentric Centre “Terre Nourricière” ahas been built out of "pierre de Vers" (a special stone from Vers, a village close to Collias) which is 30 million years old and has been extracted from the belly of Mother Earth, who preserved it preciously during all this time. So that futuristic builders could use it to build grand buildings by allying traditional and vanguard thinking, so that their creations could disperse the wonderful life-energy inherent in the thousands of fossilised animals and plants which compose it.
...Men and Women...
SIts architecture has been the inspiration of Jean Paul Laurent, professor of architecture at the University of Montpellier.
He privileged the nobility and purity of the stone, by choosing, with a great sobriety, the form of a temple for the activity hall.
The other rooms of the building follow with humility the simplicity of the main structure.
A History....
The Biocentric Centre “Terre Nourricière” ahas been built out of "pierre de Vers" (a special stone from Vers, a village close to Collias) which is 30 million years old and has been extracted from the belly of Mother Earth, who preserved it preciously during all this time. So that futuristic builders could use it to build grand buildings by allying traditional and vanguard thinking, so that their creations could disperse the wonderful life-energy inherent in the thousands of fossilised animals and plants which compose it.
...Men and Women...
SIts architecture has been the inspiration of Jean Paul Laurent, professor of architecture at the University of Montpellier.
He privileged the nobility and purity of the stone, by choosing, with a great sobriety, the form of a temple for the activity hall.
The other rooms of the building follow with humility the simplicity of the main structure.